EPA Releases Additional UCMR2 Results

Last month, EPA posted a new batch of data on their website from the second Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR2). The nitrosamine, NDMA, continues to be the most frequently detected contaminant by far, with detections at over 300 water systems.  Three other contaminants were detected at between 19 and 26 systems – the nitrosamines NDEA and NPYR, and Metolachlor ESA (a pesticide degradate).  Eight other contaminants were detected but in no more than five systems.  None of the remaining 13 contaminants have been detected yet in any of the UCMR2 monitoring.  To access the latest data, visit the EPA website at:  http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/ucmr/data.cfm