EPA Releases List of Laboratories Approved for UCMR3 Analysis

EPA has just released its initial list of laboratories that are approved to analyze the contaminants required to be tested under the third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR3). The listed laboratories met UCMR 3 Laboratory Approval Program application and Proficiency Testing (PT) criteria for the methods. The approval covers both List 1 Assessment Monitoring and List 2 Screening Survey contaminants. A table lists each laboratory with an approval and shows the specific methods that are approved. The listing includes both utility laboratories and commercial labs.

Public water systems (PWSs) are responsible for their laboratories, and must ensure they are following the methods and meeting the quality control (QC) criteria specified in UCMR 3. Laboratories must post sample analytical results and required QC data electronically via the
Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System (SDWARS) within 120 days of the sample collection date. EPA may revoke a laboratory’s approval status if the laboratory does not adhere to quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures and criteria, or fails to post data to SDWARS. If EPA revokes approval, the laboratory’s name will no longer appear on this list. Once approval has been revoked, the laboratory cannot be re-approved during the UCMR 3 monitoring period.

To access the list visit EPA’s UCMR laboratory website. For additional information on the laboratory approval process and other UCMR issues contact the UCMR Message Center at (800) 949-1581.