Iowa Declares Source Water Protection Week

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad declared this week (May 1-7) as “Source Water Protection Week,” to celebrate and create awareness of ongoing source water protection partnerships in Iowa.  This week was declared by the Governor in conjunction with National Drinking Water Week that was held nationwide.  In the announcement, information is provided about how “Iowa communities are creating source water protection plans, which helps guard the water source — whether an aquifer, lake or river — that they draw their drinking water from.”  The web page and announcement also share information about 15 source water protection pilot projects, the Iowa Source Water Agricultural Collaborative that initiated the creation of this first Source Water Protection Week, and success stories from Griswold and other communities throughout the state.  For more information, visit the Iowa Source Water Protection Program web site and download the Source Water Protection Week in Iowa Proclamation.  For more information, contact Rebecca Ohrtman of Iowa at