State Oversight Identified as Key Management Challenges for EPA

According to a recent report by EPA’s Inspector General (OIG), 2016 EPA Management Challenges, oversight of state delegated programs is one of the top four management challenges facing EPA.  This OIG determination is based on findings from investigations and reviews over recent years and the status of EPA corrective actions.  These reviews have identified problems with management and distribution of SRF funds, including unliquidated obligations (ULOs) and state reporting, documentation for the Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) program, and SDWA implementation in one of the territories.  The OIG also cited some reports from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) related to the Drinking Water SRF.  EPA has begun action on many of the identified deficiencies but many corrective actions are yet to be taken, leaving some of the challenges unaddressed.  States have already seen the results of EPA actions as with the increased focus on ULOs and targets for reduction.  EPA will undoubtedly increase their emphasis on state oversight as they continue to respond to the OIG and GAO reports and respond to new challenges like Flint, MI.