USGS Study on PFAS in Source and Treated Drinking Water of the US

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) published a study entitled, “Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Source and Treated Drinking Waters of the United States.” This study measured 17 PFAS in source and treated water from 25 drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) as part of a broader study of contaminants of emerging concernin in drinking water across the nation. PFAS were detected in all 50 samples for the study with varying concentrations. While detection frequencies were greater than those found in UCMR3, individual PFAS concentrations were low, with only one DWTP exceeding the current EPA drinking water health advisory for the combined sum of PFOA and PFOS at 70 ppt, and only five locations had statistically significant differences between the source and treated water. In addition, while some locations showed minimal removal of PFAS, the highest removal of PFAS using granular activated carbon (GAC) was at DWTPs that frequently replaced their GAC with virgin or reactivated GAC. To read the study findings, GO HERE. You may also want to view the recording and slides from ASDWA’s September 5th webinar with USGS that included information about this study.