Did you Know? Tools for Enhancing Capacity Development and Operator Certification

EPA and ASDWA are embarking on the Did You Know? Blog Series. This series will provide information about the various EPA tools available for systems and states to enhance capacity development and operator certification. Each blog post will explain the tool purpose, target audience, and where to access the tool. This month’s feature is highlighted below.

Tool/Resource: Water You Waiting For?: Water Profession Recruitment Videos for Students

Who: The target audience for these recruitment videos are high school and vocational technical school students.

Why: The videos are broken into four short segments and focus on a variety of careers options in the water industry. They highlight water system professionals including plant managers, environmental and regulatory coordinators, and treatment plant system operators, among others. Aside from professionals, the videos also include student interns, to inform students of the potential opportunities available to them during high school.

The videos can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/dwcapacity/water-you-waiting

Note: To increase the size of the videos, click the YouTube icon.

If there is a tool you would like to recommend for this blog series, please contact Deirdre Mason of ASDWA at dmason@asdwa.org.