President Signs New Executive Order on Modernizing America’s Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure

Yesterday (10/13), President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO), “Modernizing America’s Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure,” to drive Federal coordination on water policy (EO factsheet is also available). The EO establishes a Water Subcabinet of senior Federal agency officials to facilitate management and modernization of the Nation’s water sources and systems, help eliminate duplication between agencies, promote integrated planning, and support and enhance workforce development for water sector professionals. The Water Subcabinet will be led by the U.S. Department of the Interior  and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and will include representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, and the Department of the Army, working in coordination with the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. The Water Subcabinet is responsible for developing a national water strategy to enhance water storage, water supply, and drought resiliency; improve water quality, source water protection, nutrient management, and restoration activities; support the innovation and modernization of water systems; and advance water data management, research, modeling, and forecasting.