Western States Source Water Protection Forum Held this Week
The Western States Source Water Protection (SWP) Forum was hosted this week in Salt Lake City by the Utah Division of Drinking Water (DDW). Approximately 50 people participated in the meeting including: SWP coordinators from almost all the states in EPA Regions 8, 9, and 10, along with representatives from the EPA regions and EPA headquarters, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) staff from three states and the Western Region, National Rural Water Association (NRWA) staff from five states and headquarters, Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC), GWPC, and ASDWA staff, a few utility representatives, and more!
Tim Davis, Director of the Utah DDW (and ASDWA Board Member), opened the meeting and shared information about the unique SWP requirements and land use ordinances in the state, as well as challenges with climate and PFAS, and opportunities for funding. Other information discussed during the meeting covered these same topics and more – that are being addressed in Utah and other states through unique and collaborative partnerships. Through these partnerships, participants shared how they have accessed a variety of programs and funding sources to enhance SWP efforts with federal, state, and local partners, including all of the different partners that attended and were represented at the meeting.
ASDWA will work with GWPC and the Source Water Collaborative to provide additional information and examples for state SWP programs to help continue to foster actions and funding aimed at protecting drinking water sources with key partners. For more information about source water protection, visit ASDWA’s web page. For more information about funding, view EPA’s Funding Integration Tool for Source Water (FITS).