Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Cyanotoxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs) are occurring with increasing frequency in drinking water sources and negatively impacting drinking water treatment facilities throughout the US. These treatment facilities face a difficult task of not only removing the toxins but doing so in a safe and cost-effective way.

ASDWA 2023 HABs Webinar Series and Meeting

ASDWA is conducting a series of three Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) webinars for state drinking water programs and partners. ASDWA is gathering input from these webinars to plan a meeting with federal programs and partners to discuss continuing state drinking water program needs for monitoring and predicting HABs and lab capacity in Fall 2023.

Format Date HABs Title and Topic – Webinar Recording Link Presenters
Webinar #1 May 11, 2023 AWOP and State Drinking Water Monitoring and Panning Efforts ·   Deirdre White, ASDWA

·   Tom Waters, EPA TSC

·   Courtney Davis, NY

·   Rob Newby, NJ

·   Steve Deem, WA

Webinar #2 July 24, 2023 Coordination Across State Programs ·   Raven Jarvis, VA

·   David Dani, CO

·   Jill Anderson, PA

Webinar #3 September 19, 2023 CyAN Potential Satellite Monitoring of Drinking Water Sources ·   Blake Schaeffer, EPA

·   Bridget Seegers, NASA

·   Megan Coffer, NOAA

·   Julie Harvey & Daniel Sobota, Oregon DEQ

Meeting November 2023 by invite only State and Federal Programs and Partners Please contact Deirdre White at dwhite@asdwa.org for more information and to attend.


State Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Rules

State HABs Guidance and Resources

Web Resources and Reference Documents

Source Water News

ASDWA’s Source Water News is intended to improve outreach and information sharing for state staff engaged in source water protection and sustainability, climate change, and nutrient pollution related efforts. Subscribe or search the archives at www.asdwa.org/newsroom.
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