ASDWA Submits FY24 Senate Appropriations Testimony

On Wednesday, May 24, ASDWA submitted FY24 appropriations testimony (below) to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, & Related Agencies for EPA funding. ASDWA recommended that all Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) be funded without cutting funding for the State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) capitalization grants. SRF capitalization grant reductions are negatively impacting drinking water programs. ASDWA recommended funding the SRFs to the full authorization of $3 billion each.

ASDWA also recommended an immediate increase of $85 million for the Public Water Supply Supervision (PWSS) Program, over and above the funding gap identified in the ASDWA’s 2020 Resource Needs Report. The $85 million in immediate additional funding is from the 2024 convergence of the deadlines for the initial lead service line inventories under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), the final Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), the final regulation for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), the final Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule Revisions, and the inclusion of cybersecurity in sanitary surveys.

FY2024_Senate Appropriations Testimony Final 05242023