EPA Proposes Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)

On Thursday, 11/30, EPA published the proposed the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). EPA’s LCRI website lists five key provisions for the proposal:

  1. Achieveing 100% lead service line replacement (LSLR) in 10 years;
  2. Locating legacy lead pipes with revision service line inventory requirements;
  3. Improving tap sampling with requirements to take first and fifth liter tap samples and use the high number for compliance determinations;
  4. Lowering the lead action level (AL) from 15 ug/l to 10 ug/l; and
  5. Strengthening protection to reduce lead exposure for systems with multiple action level exceedances (ALEs).

Comments on the proposed LCRI will be due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, which is anticipated to be sometime next week. EPA is holding a public hearing on the proposed LCRI on Tuesday, January 16, from 11-7 EST, and information on that public hearing can be found on EPA’s LCRI website. EPA anticipates finalizing the LCRI prior to October 16, 2024.

In addition to the pre-publication version, EPA published several supporting documents, including a useful comparison guide for the proposed LCRI and technical fact sheets for calculating service line replacements, deferred deadlines for service line replacements, and inventory validation requirements. These three technical fact sheets will be helpful for systems and states in developing a better understanding of the future regulatory requirements.