EPA Blog on Innovative Technology for Water

Nancy Stoner, acting Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Water, has blogged about the Water Technology Innovation Blueprint released in March for EPA’s national water program. The blueprint promotes technology innovation as a means to speed progress toward clean and safe water. Innovative technology projects show their potential for solving our water challenges.

One of EPA’s technology innovation initiatives is the Environmental Technology Innovation Cluster involving the states of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky along with water oriented businesses in the Cincinnati area.  This has evolved into, “Confluence”, a public-private partnership to “develop and commercialize innovative water technologies that solve environmental challenges and spur sustainable economic development in the region.”  One recent action of Confluence is a three state agreement to help facilitate approval of new and innovative drinking water technologies by the states.  You can obtain more information about the activities of Confluence at http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/watercluster/WTIC_coordinate.html.

Read Nancy Stoner’s blog at http://blog.epa.gov/blog/2013/06/innovative-technology-for-water/.

For more information on EPA’s Water Technology Innovation Blueprint go to http://water.epa.gov/blueprint.cfm.