Partnership for Safe Water Newsletter

The Partnership for Safe Water has just released their July newsletter which includes information about Partnership activities and some technical tips as outlined in their announcement below:

“Welcome to the July edition of the Partnership for Safe Water newsletter.  The Partnership has a lot of news to share within this edition. We’ll feature award winning utilities, the accolades, and other highlights from ACE13 in AWWA’s hometown, Denver, Colorado, this past June. All of us at AWWA were thrilled to hold the event in Denver for our friends and colleagues — we thank all who could attend and participate in ACE.

In this issue we report on the New England section’s Water Quality Symposium; and provide technical guidance regarding distribution system optimization as well as DBP precursor monitoring.  The issue also covers our Canadian program; Section Services collaborations; ways for maximizing membership (or subscription, as we refer to it at the Partnership); and other news, event calendars, new subscribers and many other items.

Plus! Maybe you’ve noticed – but the Partnership Newsletter has taken the leap into online-overdrive, launching our long-term print newsletter into the Internet era. Directly from this e-mail, access the full newsletter that’s located on the Partnership for Safe Water/ AWWA website. Or, follow the summaries and links that refer to specific articles and interesting items in the July edition.

>> Connect to the July Edition of the Partnership Newsletter

The inauguration and launch of this online newsletter, as well as our newly revised website, signifies our continued commitment to providing informative, relevant, timely and easily accessible information in formats that are the most convenient for you. Be sure to take a moment to tell us what you think of the newsletter’s new format – your feedback is welcome. We truly appreciate your participation and support in the Partnership. Thank You.”