NGWA Offers Free Webinars for Private Well Owners and Stakeholders
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA), with support from EPA, is offering its first three free webinars over the next month as part of its new series. The series will include a total eight webinars, so stay tuned for more dates and details. State drinking water programs may want to participate in the webinars and promote them to relevant audiences. All of the Webinars will also be archived for later viewing. You may register for one or all of them at Following are the dates and details about the upcoming webinars.
- January 28 at 1:00pm (eastern): Testing Your Well Water: Where Do You Begin?
In this Webinar, participants will learn what every well owner should test for and how to determine what is locally occurring and worthy of testing. Presenter: Michael Schnieders of Water Systems Engineering in Ottawa, Kansas.
- February 4 at 1:00pm (eastern): Treating Well Water: Where Do You Begin?
There is no one-size-fits-all water treatment system. This Webinar will help you learn some key fundamentals in selecting the right water treatment system to protect your water quality. Presenter: Gary Hix of the Arizona Water Well Association.
- February 26 at 1:00pm (eastern): Water Well Maintenance: Where Do You Begin?
Water wells are expertly engineered systems that sometimes require maintenance. Learn how to stay on top of maintenance needs to protect water quality. Presenter: Gary Hix of the Arizona Water Well Association.