Lead and Copper 101 Webinar Series: Part 2
Register now for the second in EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) webinar series – Requirements After an Action Level Exceedance. This webinar will be presented twice; June 15th from 1-2:30 pm EDT and June 29th from 1-2:30 pm EDT. The webinar will include a discussion of Lead and Copper Rule requirements after an action level exceedance. This includes public education requirements, corrosion control treatment, optimal water quality parameters, source water monitoring, and lead service line replacement requirements.
June 15th registration link: http://login.icohere.com/registration/register.cfm?reg=2700&evt=2016LCR2
June 29th registration link: http://login.icohere.com/registration/register.cfm?reg=2701&evt=62916LCR2
View more trainings at EPA’s: Drinking Water Training Page.