ACWA, ASDWA and GWPC Send Joint Letter to House and Senate Appropriations
In a joint effort to preserve and protect PWSS funding, the three nonprofit associations representing state water regulatory agency administrators – the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA), the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA), and the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) – sent a letter (attached below) to Representatives Ken Calvert (Chair) and Betty McCollum (Ranking Member) explaining potential consequences for state agency water protection programs, should these agencies see reductions in federal grant funding. States rely on federal funding through the State Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) §106 program and the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) program to support state water programs and ensure that public health and the environment are protected while also supporting economic growth. Further, these agencies rely upon this funding to advance the attainment of clean and safe waters as required by federal and state laws and regulations. The same letter was sent to Senators Lisa Murkowski (Chair) and Tom Udall (Ranking Member) on the Senate side.
ASDWA will continue to work collaboratively with our partners to keep appropriators informed of the importance of maintaining PWSS funding levels as we move through 2017.
Letter to House Appropriations Committee on FY18 Proposed Budget Details