Nominate Your Water Systems for the AWWA Exemplary Source Water Protection Award

Each year, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) issues up to three Exemplary Source Water Protection Awards to recognize water systems that have developed and are implementing exemplary source water protection programs. These awards are made to small and large water systems in different size categories based on population served. Organizations may self-nominate or be nominated by the state source water protection program, an AWWA member, a local chapter of the National Rural Water Association, or regional authorities. AWWA is specifically seeking help to nominate small water systems with either surface water or ground water sources.

Nominations are judged on how well a water system meets the six components of AWWA’s G300 Source Water Protection Standard: 1) program vision; 2) source water characterization; 3) source water protection goals; 4) development of an Action Plan; 5) implementation of the Action Plan; and 6) periodic evaluation and revision of the entire program, as well as program effectiveness, innovative approaches, and difficulties overcome.

Award applications must be submitted by January 15, 2022. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Randy Easley, the Exemplary Source Water Protection Award Chair, at More information about the award, including previous award recipients, eligibility and submission criteria, and the entry form, may be accessed via