USDA NRCS Opportunity for Selecting NWQI Watersheds and Source Water Protection Areas
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS has just posted their new bulletin for the “National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Watershed and Source Water Protection Area (SWPA) Selection and Criteria for Planning and Implementation Phases of NWQI for FY 2023.” State drinking water programs are encouraged to reach out to your NRCS State Conservationist’s Office to discuss implementation and begin planning now for potential changes in the NWQI watersheds and SWPAs that are due by September 30. The NRCS prioritizes funding for landowner agricultural practices in these areas to protect water quality and quantity, including drinking water sources.
This bulletin provides criteria and action items for the NRCS State Technical Committees to work with state drinking water programs, water utilities, and other partners to:
- Request new watersheds for the FY 2023 planning and implementation phases of NWQI.
- Request to withdraw current NWQI watersheds.
- Request new NWQI SWPAs for both ground and surface public water supplies for planning or implementation phase.
For more information about this NWQI opportunity, read the bulletin here. For additional information about:
- NRCS state selected high priority source water protection areas, visit the NRCS Source Water Protection website.
- How to work with state conservationists, download the Source Water Collaborative’s Agricultural Toolkit.
- State source water protection program coordination efforts, read the ASDWA and GWPC State SWP Programs: A Progress Report on Agriculture and Forestry Coordination Since the Passage of the 2018 Farm Bill.