Register and Exhibit for the ASDWA Annual Conference

Don’t forget to register for ASDWA’s Annual Conference being held on October 23-25, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency in Greenville, South Carolina. Join us to hear about and discuss the many critical issues facing the drinking water community. Conference attendees will include state and territorial drinking water program administrators and their staff, EPA personnel, water associations, and industry group representatives.

This year’s conference features a blend of sessions and networking opportunities. The agenda includes a variety of important drinking water topic sessions with panelists, presentations, and discussions on service line inventories, emergency response, small system PFAS treatment challenges, IIJA implementation and earmarks, technical assistance, cybersecurity, and more. Please note that all the sessions on Wednesday, October 25, are for states and EPA only, so make your travel plans accordingly. We are continuing to update the agenda and have posted the newest version as of August 24. You can view the updated Conference Agenda here.

Interested in exhibiting, contributing a prize, or sponsoring an event? The conference reception, refreshment breaks, and prize drawing in the exhibit hall provide great opportunities for treatment technology companies, consultants, and technical assistance, training, and service providers to showcase their services and products and connect with attendees. Visit the exhibitor page to learn more.

Visit the ASDWA 2023 Annual Conference web page to register for the conference and off-site event at FireForge on Monday night, and reserve your hotel room. Please regularly check the event page for the most up-to-date information. For questions, please email Kevin Letterly of ASDWA at We look forward to seeing you in Greenville!