ASDWA Submits Comments on UCMR6 Analytical Methods

On Monday, April 8, 2024, ASDWA submitted Final Comments on UCMR6 Methods in response to EPA’s February 8, 2024, request for comment (EPA-HQ-OW-2023-0469). ASDWA outlines the importance of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule to the regulatory development process, as well as concerns regarding laboratory capacity and the pre-mature inclusion of microplastics without a clear definition of microplastics by EPA. ASDWA encouraged EPA to continue to work with state co-regulators in the development of analytical methods and future regulations.

For additional information on UCMR6, visit the Docket, EPA’s website on UCMR consultations, and register for one of two informational webinars on April 17th or April 18th from 11:00-5:00 eastern.