Non-Community Water Systems (NCWSs) make up over two-thirds of all public water supply systems in the U.S. and in 2013 accounted for over 68,000 violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, especially in the area of monitoring and reporting.
Best Practices
During 2012 and 2013, EPA convened a workgroup of state and EPA representatives to address the issues faced by NCWSs and the state programs responsible for regulating them. The workgroup developed a listing of “Best Practices and Resources for Building the Capacity of Non-Community Water Systems”, which is posted on the “States Only” section of the ASDWA web site (Login Required).
EPA has also launched a series of quarterly webinars to share information among the states regarding successful approaches and useful tools and information for addressing NCWS challenges. Video recordings of these webinars are found below, along with separate audio files (for downloading and using as a podcast) and copies of the slide presentations.
New Technology to Reach and Regulate Non-Community Water Systems
December 2, 2014
This webinar features several technological tools and resources that states and technical assistance providers are using to educate, communicate with and regulate non-community water systems. Webinar panelists cover the following topics: Curtis Stoehr, Idaho DEQ: “Improving Compliance: Idaho’s Auto-dialer and Public Water System Switchboard”, Colt Smith: Utah Div. of Drinking Water, “Using Google Forms to Communicate with Small Water Systems”, Steve Wilson, University of Illinois: “Educating Owners and Operators of Small/Private Well Systems”, and Vern Steel, National Rural Water Association: “Using Mobile App’s to Collect Information on Water Systems”.
May 5, 2014 This webinar presents the findings and recommendations of the Non-Community Water System Workgroup, and includes a presentation by the state of Maine regarding their outreach program to NCWSs, and a presentation by the state of Ohio describing their enforcement and compliance program for NCWSs.
Video on YouTube:
Audio File
(for listening on your device while out in the field):
Getting Non-Community Water Systems Ready for the Revised Total Coliform Rule
August 19, 2014 This webinar includes the following presentations: Wisconsin’s plan to support non-community system compliance with the RTCR; RTCR implementation in New Hampshire; Utah’s “institutional grouping” approach for outreach to NCWSs (Forest Service facilities, versus churches, versus restaurants, etc.), as well as the state’s program of providing critical information to seasonal systems to make sure they properly understand and comply with start-up and other requirements; and an introduction to outreach materials being developed by EPA to assist states in preparing small water systems for their responsibilities under the RTCR.
(Please Note: We experienced technical difficulties during this webinar, and were not able to prepare a video recording. However, the audio file can be downloaded below, and you can download the slides and print them out or view them on your screen while listening to the audio portion of the webcast.)
Audio File (for listening on your computer or mobile device):
Audio File – [MP3 format, 76 MB]
Slides from the Webinar:
ASDWA’s CapCert Connections is for state drinking water program operator certification and capacity development coordinators. Our goal is to share timely, informative articles designed to help make your efforts easier to accomplish; give you insights into what your peers are working on; and keep you up to date with meetings, workshops, and other plan-ahead events. We hope that this informationwill encourage greater collaboration between the Capacity Development and Operator Certification programs and enhance the ability of both programs to support drinking water systems across the United States. Subscribe or search the archives at