Reminder to Register for the 18th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop

This is a reminder to register for the upcoming 18th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small System Challenges and Solutions. This year’s free Workshop, held in partnership with ASDWA, will take place virtually on August 30th through September 2nd from 11:00 am – 5:30 pm EDT. The Workshop will provide in-depth information and training on solutions and strategies for handling small drinking water system challenges with a focus on monitoring, distribution, source, and treatment topics. To register, click here.

The workshop agenda includes the following networking and training opportunities:

  • In-depth training
  • Technical presentation sessions
  • Breakout discussion groups for primacy agencies (State/Territory/Tribal)
  • Plenary sessions with guest speakers

ASDWA has updated its Events Calendar to include this Workshop. Additionally, for more information you can visit EPA’s event page.