ORD Region 4 Small Systems Workshop

October 14-15, 2020

The EPA ORD-Region 4 Small Systems Workshop is designed to support the efforts of Region 4 state and local officials to assist small systems. This meeting will provide small system drinking water operators, rural water technical assistance providers and state drinking water program staff with in-depth information and training on various solutions and strategies for handling small drinking water system challenges.

Workshop Evaluation

Help us improve future workshops by completing an evaluation. The survey is available here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EPAORD-R4eval.

Agenda and Supporting Materials

Agenda_R4 Small Systems (final)

Speaker Bios_R4 Small Systems Meeting

Day 1

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 1_Session 1_Money

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 1_Session 1_Roberson

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 1_Session 2_Bradbury

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 1_Session 3_Alexander

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 1_Session 4_Triantafyllidou

Day 2

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 2_Session 5_Welch

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 2_Session 6_Keithley

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 2_Session 7_Finn

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 2_Session 8_Hall and Speth

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 2_Session 9_Latham and Roberson

R4-Small Systems Webinar_Day 2_Session 10


Summary Materials and CEUs

Please check back for information on how to access summary materials, which will include a video recording of each day of the Workshop. Additional information about CEUs will be provided by EPA in the coming weeks. Note, ASDWA cannot answer questions about certifications or continuing education credits for this meeting.